Liliane Tomasko: Dark Goes Lightly — Chateau La Coste

21 October - 18 December 2019

The internationally recognised abstract painter Liliane Tomasko is presenting a new exhibition of her work in the sublime settings of Château La Coste in France.


Tomasko explores painting as a gateway into the realms of dreaming and sleep, probing into the gulf between the conscious and the subconscious. Tomasko believes that the imbalance between these two states of mind is at the heart of the predicaments that affect contemporary society. In her words, “the dark matter represented by the subconscious and which finds its language through our dreams has been neglected.”


Each of the paintings in the exhibition underscores this breach by making reference to an emotional state. The paintings that employ a distinctive, bold lyricism with an equally unabashed sense of colour allude to unfolding, opening and growing, whereas those in black-and-white speak of denial, invisibility and stagnation. Tomasko’s gestural lines are woven together in such a way that they come in and out of focus, emulating the clarity, or lack thereof, of dreams and memories.