Milton Avery: Royal Academy of Arts, London
Past exhibition
Worshipped by Abstract Expressionists Mark Rothko and Barnett Newman, Milton Avery expressed his vision of the world through harmonious colour and simplified forms. Now, for the first time, see the North American painter’s work this side of the Atlantic.
Milton Avery is considered one of North America’s greatest 20th-century colourists. According to The New York Times, “Only Matisse – to whose art he owed much, of course – produced a greater achievement in this respect”. Avery’s career fell between the movements of the American Impressionists and the Abstract Expressionists, leaving him to forge a staunchly independent path.
This is the first comprehensive exhibition of Avery’s work in Europe. It brings together a selection of around 70 paintings from the 1930s – 1960s that are among his most celebrated. These works typically feature scenes of daily life, including portraits of loved ones and serene landscapes from his visits to Maine and Cape Cod.
Marvel in the colour sensibility and balance that runs throughout his work – a style that was to have a major influence on the next generation.
It is a long overdue celebration of an American master who, in Rothko’s words, celebrated the world around him with a poetry that “penetrated every pore of the canvas to the very last touch of the brush”.
Exhibition organised by the Royal Academy of Arts, London in collaboration with The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth and the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art.
Installation Views
The Guardian reviews Milton Avery: American Colourist
★★★★★ July 17, 2022Milton Avery: American Colourist review – pure, exhilarating uplift ★★★★★ By Laura Cumming The self-effacing late starter and mentor to Rothko, with a singular gift...Read more -
The Financial Times reviews Milton Avery: American Colourist
July 15, 2022Space is airy and open, the cast list domestic and unheroic, a piercing sun or subdued lamplight in cosy interiors bathes everything in a warm...Read more
The Guardian reviews Milton Avery: American Colourist at the Royal Academy of Arts
★★★★★ July 12, 2022'To see this art so closely related to abstract expressionism yet rooted in nature opens a new vista on American art itself. Avery is a...Read more -
The Telegraph reviews Milton Avery
★★★★ July 12, 2022Milton Avery: American Colourist, review: The 20th-century colossus you’ve probably never heard of By Cal Revely-Calder 12 July 2022 • 1:08pm An Impressionist at the...Read more
The Art Newspaper features Milton Avery: American Colourist and talks to exhibition curator Edith Devaney
July 12, 2022“You always feel better after looking at a Milton Avery painting,” says Edith Devaney, the curator of the first comprehensive exhibition in Europe dedicated to...Read more -
‘Rothko’s guru: how Milton Avery transformed modern art’
The Telegraph previews Milton Avery: American Colourist at the Royal Academy of Arts July 6, 2022The story of how Milton Avery came to shape modern American art is really a love story. It begins in 1925, when, on a painting...Read more
Milton Avery featured in The Observer’s best summer culture guide
Laura Cumming selects Milton Avery's upcoming exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts for The Observer's best summer culture guide. May 30, 2022'Gentle, unassuming, with his outstanding gift for colour and his simplified grace, Milton Avery (1885-1965) is a singular master of American art.' – Laura CummingRead more -
The New Yorks Times reviews the work of Milton Avery
Roberta Smith takes a look at the work of Milton Avery, which is currently on view in Hartford and New York. May 12, 2022'He remained a singular hybrid, who never settled into any niche, but constantly circulated, combining different ratios of cartooning, folk art, European modernism and American...Read more